What We Do
Aged Care With a Difference
We provide a range of services for older Australians, including residential care, respite, and dementia services.
Residential Care
Suitable for those no longer able to live at home and need ongoing help with everyday tasks or health care.
Respite Care
Short-term stays to allow primary caregivers needed time off. Respite care can be arranged for a few hours each week, or for several days or weeks.
Memory Support
Specialised care for residents who require memory support - RBD Narrogin only*
Our approach to aged care
No two people are the same. We work closely with each resident and their family to develop a personalised care plan tailored to their individual needs.
As part of our approach to the provision of support, we work in partnership with you to meet your changing needs and to maintain your independence to the maximum extent possible.
Sometimes this may mean providing more support at times that you need it and at other times reducing support to ensure that you do not lose your independence.
Any changes are fully discussed with you before they occur.
At Residency by Dillons, You Will Have Access To:
• Specialised aged care nursing 24/7, including dementia support
• Personalised aged care planning
• Nutritionally-balanced meals
• Social activities both inside and outside the home
• A range of therapies, including Physiotherapy, podiatry, hairdressing, massages, physical fitness programs and lifestyle programs suited to your interests.
• *Nursing care for those with Dementia are provided at Residency by Dillons Narrogin
Life at Residency by Dillons
When living in the residential care facility, we support and encourage you to live the life you want to with consideration to living communally with others. We encourage you to bring some of your own belongings into the facility and we welcome your family and other visitors. You have the right to make decisions about your care and support and we will always consult with you about your choices.
1/ Housekeeping services
We provide housekeeping services including cleaning and laundry services. We ask that you label all clothing, and we can provide this service if required. Dry cleaning services are at your cost. Ironing of selected items can be arranged.
2/ Keeping medications safe
If you self-medicate, we require medications to always be locked in the drawer in your room to prevent potential access and harm to others.
We use the services of the pharmacy located in Perth to coordinate and deliver medications to the facility.
3/ Leisure interests and activities
We offer a range of leisure interests and activities through the program advertised around the Residency. The program is devised through consumer input and with consideration to promoting health and wellbeing. There are also outings and opportunities to engage with the broader community. Therapeutic activities are also offered if relevant to you. The Occupational Therapist will consult with you about your needs to develop a suitable support plan.
4/ Meals
Meals are prepared and cooked on the premises. We do try to cater for special diets and personal preferences.
We cater for breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and supper. Residents are invited to be part of the menu development program, and surveys are conducted throughout the year to receive feedback on the meals and service. We also engage in the services of a dietician for residents and the establishment of the menu.
5/ Safety
You have access to a call bell in your room, bathroom and in communal areas. Staff receive training in the importance of responding promptly to call bells and we monitor our performance in this area through ongoing call bell audits.
Evacuation drills are held twice per year and there are emergency maps around the facility. We engage with you to participate in the drills to support your safety.
6/ Telephones and internet
You can install a telephone in your room at a cost to you, or use your mobile phone. There is wi-fi in the facility.
7/ Transport
We do not provide transport other than outings for the activities program. We support you to access transport from family and friends if possible or use the taxi service. We recommend that you maintain ambulance cover.
8/ Visiting pets
We welcome visiting pets under the control of their owner and restrained via leash or cage at all times. The owner is responsible for cleaning up after pets and for not bringing them into the dining room or kitchen areas.
9/ Voting
We support you to vote during elections once you have changed your address with the electoral commission.
Moving into Residency by Dillons
What are the steps?
Making the transition as easy as possible.
Our team are on hand to support to each new resident and their family as they begin their next chapter at Residency by Dillons.
1/ Submit your ACAT/My Support Plan for review by the Clinical Team. Refer to My Aged Care Govt Website for a comprehensive guide in preparing for admission into aged care. www.myagedcare.gov.au
2/ Confirmation of Support Plan. Your care needs will be assessed by our Clinical team.
3/ Request a tour. A staff member will show you around our home to give you a feel for the space. You can book a tour here.
4/ Organise finance. Our Executive Director of Admissions and Accounts Manager will work with you to go through the different fee payment options to find what’s best for you, you may wish to seek independent financial advice.
5/ Confirm your place. Residency by Dillons with an agreed admission date.
6/ Making the move. Our residents can furnish their room with items that make it their own* (furnishings to be approved by the RCM to comply with WH&S
7/ The settle-in period. We encourage loved ones to visit often in the first few weeks.
Our Fees
Consumer contributions and charges
You will need to be assessed by the Centrelink and Services Australia to ascertain the fees you will be required to pay. This will definitely include a Basic Daily Fee and may also include a Means Tested Care Fee and an Accommodation Payment, depending on your circumstances. There are a range of ways to pay your residential fees that will be explained to you before you agree to move to the residential care facility. We are happy to talk through these charges in advance and help you navigate the steps.
Residents are encouraged to manage their own financial affairs or appoint another person to do so, or the Public Trustees can be contacted. These fees do not cover newspapers, hairdressing, purchase of clothes, prescription medicines, dry cleaning and personal effects such as cosmetics, alcohol etc.
Residency by Dillons will provide you with an invoice in the middle of the month for the following month, or you can choose to pay fortnightly. Payments are made in advance, prior to the commencement of the invoiced period. You can make payment via direct debit (preferred), cheque, credit card, BPay or by or electronic funds transfer
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ROOM PRICING TABLES – from 1 April 2024
Residents can choose to pay for their accommodation in one of three ways:
1/ As a lump sum refundable deposit, similar to an accommodation bond, this is called a Residential Accommodation Deposit (RAD)
2/ a periodic payment, called a Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP)
3/ or a combination of both.
A new resident has up to 28 days to choose whether to pay the agreed accommodation price by a refundable deposit, RAD; or daily payment, DAP; or a combination of both. DAPs can be paid by the Resident or drawn down from the RAD that the Resident has to pay to the provider.
This may occur if the Resident has elected to pay a combination of a RAD and DAP. The DAP is paid – unless and until – a RAD is paid.
In cases where no lump sum payment is received, or when the combination option is selected, The Residency by Dillons will require the Resident to complete the guarantee and indemnity provisions in the agreement.
Government assistance eligibility for Residents entering care after 1 July 2014 is determined under new means testing arrangements involving a combined income and asset test. If you feel that you qualify for assistance you can obtain advice of your eligibility either from Centre Link or DVA, for further information visit www.myagedcare.gov.au